Black death metal z Ruska.
Nové album mexické gore death grind metalové kapely.
ROTTENNESS from Mexico/USA are back with the long awaited third full length. "Violentopia" brings forth 13 tracks of blistering brutal death metal mixed with elements of grindcore, slam and old school heaviness. This is the band's first major release from founding guitarist Jaleel Castillo along with completely new line-up consisting of drummer Matt Johnson, bassist/vocalist Karl Schmidt, guitarist Ray Nevison, and vocalist Matti “Niño” Guey. The album also features guest performances from members of PIG DESTROYER, CEPHALIC CARNAGE, ISOLATION IN INFAMY and more. "Violentopia" was mixed by Rob Caldwell (CANNIBAL CORPSE, MUNICIPAL WASTE, DEVOURMENT) and mastered by Davide Billia at MK2 Recording Studio (ANTROPOFAGUS, BEHEADED, BLASPHEMER, PUTRIDITY, SEPTYCAL GORGE).
V reedici vydané deváté řadové album SATARIAL z roku 2016. A opět kvalitní porce pagan folk black metalu, tentokrát i s prvky death metalu, klasické hudby a se spoustou doprovodných nevšedních nástrojů.
The 9th album of Satarial! The band stood at the origins of Slavic folk black metal and greatly influenced the formation of this direction. This album released in 2016. Dedicated to the Celtic pagan Goddess Brigit, witchcraft and anti-clericalism. Following the sound-paths of “Lunar Cross”, the band combined black metal, folk, death metal and industrial, and has an obvious attraction to the medieval and classical music, using many unusual for metal instruments like hurdy-gurdy, Norwegian horn, various flutes and drums, cello and analog synthesizers. Lyrically is based on magical spells and formulas of mysticism, using a variety of languages such as Welsh, English, witchcraft or vulgar Latin, Russian. Again all music is played and recorded live, without computer tuning, mixed by...
Kultovní album SATARIAL z roku 2000. Kapela jako jedna z prvních přišla s úchvatnou kombinací svižného pagan black metalu s prvky ruského folklóru, tedy žánru, který si později podmanil celý svět. Tohle album je naprostý masterpiece ve svém žánru! Nyní vychází opět v reedici a obsahuje navíc 2 bonus skladby z dema 1989.
“Heidenlarm” recorded in 1998-99, but released in 2000, due to the band’s ban in Russia. The album was mixed at the Nodir studio. Mixing and mastering by Tommy (SADIST). A combination of primordially Russian northern folklore with metal music presented through this album for first time worldwide. An expedition of teachers from Moscow Musical College Gnesin and members of Satarial created for the recordings, collecting in different areas, melodies of the lost Russian folklore of the Middle Ages.
A must for researchers of Slavic pagan music!
Including 2 bonus tracks from demo 1989!
V reedici vydané osmé řadové album SATARIAL z roku 2014. Na tomto albu se kapela vrací ke své nejlepší podobě, tedy pagan folk black metalu.
The 8th release of the Slavic folk black metal legends Satarial. Released in 2014 and Satarial returned with this cd, to their original sound from 1989 to 2005. The band wanted to make a live sound and made live recordings, without using any computer simulation. Includes many folk instruments – inspired by nature mysticism and anti-clericalism-, plus analog synthesizers and is recorded like the records of early 90s.
Mixed and mastered by American Black Matter Mastering studio.
Nové album německé black metalové kapely. Digipack.
SAXORIOR were founded as early as 1994. With numerous live shows and festival performances as well as their seven albums, an EP and a contribution to a compilation under their belt, the band has developed into a force to be reckoned with in the Metal scene. After the success the `Saksen` album in 2015, now their eighth opus `Hem` (old Saxon German for `homeland`) will be released. Musically it came out a bit more brutal than its predecessor, lyrically it deals with the `Sächsische Schweiz` (Saxon Switzerland) and its formation, the Hussite wars and several old legends. Among others Robse from EQUILIBRIUM and MINAS MORGUL contributed as a guest.
Nekompromisní black metal ve stylu starých Gorgoroth nebo Satyricon. Ukrajina.
Monumentální hutný pomalý doom death metal s prvky funeral doom metalu. 7 kompozic na ploše 79 minut. Digipack. Rusko.
Hutný melancholický doom death metal. Rusko.
Náladotvůrný atmosférický temný ambient ve stylu Lustmord / Biosphere. Řecko.
Živelný progresivní technický moderní death metal. Kanada.
Melodický black metal. Belgie.
Krásný náladotvůrný melancholický ambient post rock doom metal z Portugalska. Digipack.
SINISTRO’s new album 'Semente' ("Seed") is fascinating. This unique music is quite hard to easily tag and file into a drawer. The mind tries tricks and attempts constructions like LANA DEL REY meets MY DYING BRIDE – only to drop the idea a minute later. Looking for points of reference, the Portuguese band might at any moment give reason for comparison with MASSIVE ATTACK, ENNIO MORRICONE, BOARDS OF CANADA, HOWARD SHORE, RADIOHEAD, FAITH NO MORE, ANGELO BADALAMENTI, DAVID BOWIE, SWANS, UNWOUND, MOGWAI, and CRIPPLED BLACK PHOENIX. Yet none of these names dropped here will make sense at another sequence. It is very much up to each listener to determine their own points of reference. Keeping a cinematic feeling in the background, SINISTRO vary from abrasive musical thickness to a perfect sense of stillness, which portrays the urban landscapes of their homeland and its legacy with a strong visual...
Depresivní temný black / doom / sludge ve stylu Nortt / Khanate. Anglie.
Esoterický temný neofolk, industrial, ambient z Ruska. DvojCD.
Přírodou inspirovaný pagan black metal ve stylu Drudkh, Nokturnal Mortum. Rusko.
Nové album plzeňských black metalových veteránů. Krásné digipackové vydání.
Sluneční démon na horizontu událostí.
Plzeňští démoni slunce se pozemskému vnímání času smějí – jak jinak si vysvětlit, že od jejich posledního řadového alba k tomu novinkovému uběhlo rovných 15 let?!
Ať je to jak chce, právě teď je venku 4. řadové CD Sorath – kapely, která tu byla první v nové vlně black metalu, která byla ve formě vždycky, ovšem nyní je navrch nabitá zkušenostmi bytí, o poznání vesmíru dál.
Ne, nic zásadního se nezměnilo, souzený black metal je dštěn stále stejnou, maximální intenzitou, sirné chrchle létají po oběžné dráze, otisk black'n'rollové jízdy září na hvězdné obloze jak měsíc v úplňku a horizont událostí není výzvou, ale vyrovnáním účtů nepoučitelné lidské rasy a existence planety Země...