Okultní black metal. Finsko.
Nové a poslední album Holdaar, které završuje a ukončuje existenci této kultovní ruské pagan black metalové kapely.
The eleventh full-length album of HOLDAAR black metal division from Koenigsberg. It is the last album closing the chapter of the band that has been active since 2004. With more than a dozen of albums in its discography after 13 years the band calls it quits. Almost every subsequent album of HOLDAAR demonstrates tangible development and opens new musical horizons for its fans. Now the time has come to draw the line. The CD includes cover versions of songs originally performed by black metal genitors: “In the Halls and Chambers of Stardust...” (Isengard) and “Mother North” (Satyricon), and some re-recorded old stuff of the band! With this CD we pay homage and salute to HOLDAAR.
Desáté řadové album ruské pagan black metalové kapely.
The material of this 10-track CD is traditionally dedicated to World War II and some facts from earlier epochs. The aggressive lyrics are accompanied with not less aggressive music! Symphonic constituent cedes under the black metal attack – only rare lyrical acoustic overtures give some rest from this squall of gale force. Heavy and underground sound of the album returns listeners back to the early days of HOLDAAR. Nevertheless, it is the best album of the band in terms of recording and production, the album based on mature and truly profound lyrics. The time has come to join in! Launch your war!!!
Nové album kultovní britské heavy metalové kapely.
The NWOBHM legends return with their 10th studio album!
“Elder Gods”, explores new dimensions in Metal, so expect the unexpected. Engage with Ishtar, Shiva, Astaroth, Lucifer, Horus, Satan and the elder of all elders who is yet ever new, the Divine Mother. From towering grandeur to profound sweetness to raw Metal brutality this album has it all. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Holocaust incl. on “Elder Gods” some of their NWOBHM elements, but following the sound of “Predator” they are opening new paths in music, travelling to the past and speaking about Gods and Demons, with a dark mood and personal progressive touch which includes both brutal and gentle moments. Their new epos has it all!
Don’t miss it!
Apokalyptický nihilistický extrémní temný metal. Digipack. Norsko.
Hailing from Norway, Horizon Ablaze second album titled “Dødsverk” is a Nihilistic Apocalypse of Molten Extreme Metal. Featuring members of 1349, Absu and Blood Red Throne.
Temný rituální black metal. Itálie.
“Piove Sangue” is a very special album, as it celebrates the twenty-year anniversary of the extreme metal pioneers Hortus Animae, twenty years since the release of their first demo tape "An Abode for Spirit and Flesh" in 1998. This live CD was recorded at Banská Bystrica (Slovakia), on the last date of the Total Metal Over Europe Tour Pt. 2, which the band held with legendary German thrashers Necronomicon, whose vocalist appeared on stage with Hortus Animae for a raging version of Slayer’s “Raining Blood” (from which the album also takes its title, in Italian). This live album highlights a tight band in great musical shape; it is an excellent overview of the band's history and what you can expect when you see them live.
Brutal gore death metal split CD. Filipíny / Singapur.
Death metal / grindcore. Belgie.
Temný black death metal. Polsko.
Temný náladotvůrný melodický doom metal. Lahůdka pro příznivce Paradise Lost, Nevermore, Moonspell. Řecko.
The astonishing debut album of Greek dark metallers!
The perfect mix of the sound of Nevermore and Paradise Lost!
Based in Athens (Greece), I Abyssick were founded in early 2017 by Constantin Maris on Guitars/Vocals (Forbidden Seed ,Starve the Hydra, Atrocity Pioneer) and Aggelos Seaito on Drums.
Later on the same year, they joined forces with Makis Sel on Bass and George Petropoulos on Guitar.
At the end of 2018, recordings began at Eventide Studios with the precious contribution of Akis Prasinikas (Desert Near The End) and Nik Rock.
Moreover, Giannis Nakos (Mortal Torment) and Alexandros Papandreou (Desert Near The End) appear on guest vocals.
Remedy Art Design managed perfectly to depict the lyrical concept of the album with an amazing artwork.
Kosta Vreto (Horizon’s End, Kosta Vreto,Wardrum) mixed this endeavor and polished it with fine mastering…The band got in...
Akustický ambient folk inspirovaný severskou přírodou a mytologií. Německo.
All songs are acoustic-ambiently recorded, with all acoustic instruments including guitar, shaman drums, vocals, hardanger fiddle, flute and more. The songs are about the shamanic experience, nordic mythology, inner landscapes, reflection and nature in its various aspects both friendly and foreboding.
Akustický neofolk inspirovaný severskou přírodou a mytologií. Německo.
Idis Ørløg is a Folk music project which seeks to get as close to the heart and spirit of the Northern nature as possible through word and sound. The songs are dedicated to the folk stories of yore, to the passing of the seasons, the solstices, and the archetypes and energetic characteristics that make up the fabric of our past, present and future. Getting to the roots, getting to the heart of things, and seeking out the truth is a motivation in all things with Idis Ørløg. (Idis means “goddess”, “protectress”. Ørløg means wyrd (karma)). Her latest release, "Frøya og Svipdag and Songs from Njartharlåg" focuses on the interplay between forces: the light that rises over the horizon after the darkness, the rising of the light during the freezing winter solstice, and the reuniting with a loved one. These themes are both found in the saga of Frøya (Freya) and Svipdagm, as well as the ancient cult location that is the...
Atmosférický kosmický tajuplný black metal. Digipack. Francie.
Black metal. Norsko / Polsko.
Náladotvůrný melancholický post black metal s prvky depresivního rocku. Itálie.
Démonický old school death metal z Mexika. MiniCD.
In Obscurity Revealed is a Death metal band from Mexico City with one foot in the early Swedish Death Metal era and the other firmly planted in the legendary Floridian Death Metal scene. Spell of the Seeker is a short yet complex EP with demonic vocals, vile guitar riffs and drums that pound forth from the abyssal depths. Imagine a vitriolic mix of early Carnage and Dismember with Necrovore and Altars era Morbid Angel and In Obscurity Revealed will be the bastard child that is vomited forth. This is a release that is relentless and all consuming from the word go and it leaves all in it's bloody wake in a sickening atmosphere of evil and unease.
Nové album italské infernální black death metalové hordy.