DERVENN - Gwad Roueel

Hudební žánr: Neofolk
Rok vydání: 2012
Dostupnost: Skladem

Cena: 250 Kč

Opište kód: dvajednapět:

Krásný čistý keltský folk se spoustou akustických nástrojů. Francie.

Dervenn in Breton means «oak», the sacred tree of the ancient Celts. Wood is the matter of our instruments and our breath is the «wind that shakes the Barley»… even if we are living in the era of digital and numeric realities. The soul is still musical and deeply tainted by the landscape of Brittany, by the musicality of it, by the symbolism of it. Arthur, Perceval, Merlin, we still share their quest for truth and beauty when riding our cars… No commercial folklore, no infatuated «world» or «ethnic» music, no archeological mythology nor so-called traditionalism. Just our true modern Breton music. Beauty and breath of the arthurian past speaking a present day, but not vulgar, musical language. «Gwad Roueel» («royal blood») is the first act of the quest, a personal and emotional evocation, using both traditional «celtic» instruments (bag pipe, Breton oboe, transverse flute, Irish whistle and bodhran) and modern ones. Invention and respect of the past are the key words, poetry, melody and strength are the feelings one gets from listening to this musical travel through the lights and darkness of human quest for purity and beauty…