Ambient / Dark Ambient

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FIVE THOUSAND SPIRITS - Synapse - Shaihulud

FIVE THOUSAND SPIRITS - Synapse - Shaihulud

250 Kč
Five Thousand Spirits je projekt dvou italských ambientních skladatelů - Alio Die a Raffaele Serra (Runes Order). Oproti meditativnějším Alio Die se hudba FTS pohybuje více v hypnotickém trance ambientu.
GIANLUCA BECUZZI & FABIO ORSI ‎– Muddy Speaking Ghosts Through My Machines

GIANLUCA BECUZZI & FABIO ORSI ‎– Muddy Speaking Ghosts Through My Machines

150 Kč
Abstraktní experimentální elektronický ambient. Itálie.
GOG - Ironworks

GOG - Ironworks

100 Kč
Temný drone / dark ambient s prvky black metalu a funeral doomu. Digipack. USA. The sound of work. The sound of physical labor. The sound of enslavement through capitalism. These are the sounds of GOG's brilliant “Ironworks.” Recorded in a late 19th century blacksmith shop, GOG crafts a subversive ode to the death of the American dream using source sounds and atmosphere. Initially issued as a vinyl-only release at the end of 2012, “Ironworks” has been lovingly repackaged in lavish digipak format and is easily one of the best dark ambient releases in years! Recommended if You Like: MELVINS, SUNN, BORIS, OM, EARTH, HORSEBACK, ULVER, IN SLAUGHTER NATIVES, DISEMBOWELMENT, SKEPTICISM, THERGOTHON
GREGORIO BARDINI – Sentinelle Del Mattino

GREGORIO BARDINI – Sentinelle Del Mattino

250 Kč
Velmi pěkný jemný melancholický ambient folk. Itálie.


180 Kč
Dark ambient / industrial. Izrael.
HAIKU FUNERAL -  Drown Their Moons In Blood

HAIKU FUNERAL - Drown Their Moons In Blood

350 Kč
Nové album pozoruhodného francouzského projektu. Post apokalyptický, rituální dark ambient / industrial / post black metal. Digipack.
HORCHATA ‎– Coleoid

HORCHATA ‎– Coleoid

200 Kč
Hluboký dark ambient ve stylu Amon, Troum. Francie.
HOROLOGIUM - Horologium – Der Volksmund Sagt Pt I 7"EP

HOROLOGIUM - Horologium – Der Volksmund Sagt Pt I 7"EP

180 Kč
Vinylové 7"EP. Dark ambient. Polsko.


250 Kč
Neoklasicistní zasněný dark ambient z Řecka. Krásné digipackové vydání formátu A5. Are we bound by a predetermined destiny, or do we forge our own path in life?" John Santerineross sets the question through his short film "Destin", iNsCissorS from Hellas sets the question by composing it's original score with Vincent Andelmoth on the piano, soundscapes & effects, Jason Andelmoth on Cello and Angel W.Black on Vocals & Choirs creating a unique cinematic ambient/neoclassical piece to dress one of John Santerineross dark films. Peter Andersson (RAISON D"ETRE), Mich Spape (H.E.R.R.), Simon Kölle (MUSTERION, ZA FRUMI, ABNOCTO), INNER VISION LABORATORY and HOARFROST place their own aspect of the same question by remixing the original score of iNsCissorS, each one in his own way! CD in special A5 digipack including along two additional bonus tracks.
JÄÄPORTIT - Jääportit

JÄÄPORTIT - Jääportit

300 Kč
Páté řadové album pozoruhodného severofinského projektu. Ambient, mrazivá elektronika, post rock. Snová, melancholická tvorba evokuje náladu opuštěné mrazivé severské krajiny. Limitovaná edice 300 ks v krásném, ručně číslovaném digipackovém balení.
JENNIFER GENTLE ‎– A New Astronomy

JENNIFER GENTLE ‎– A New Astronomy

130 Kč
Psychedelický kosmický space drone ambient rock. Digipack. Itálie.
KLAUS WIESE ‎– Zen Room / Positive Zero

KLAUS WIESE ‎– Zen Room / Positive Zero

350 Kč
Meditativní ambient hraný převážně na tibetské mísy. Digipack. Německo.
LARVA 108 – 99.09 Inside the stones

LARVA 108 – 99.09 Inside the stones

200 Kč
Temný mrazivý experimentální drone ambient. Digipack. Itálie. “99.09 Inside the stones” is a collection of the most significant tracks made by LARVA 108 during the first 10 years. 12 songs for 60 minutes. A sountrack for walking alone through a winter snowstorm or between the trees during a grey day of november. Experimental, electronica, drones creates organic gloomy atmospheres.
LETHAL DOSE 50 ‎– 21st Century Awakening

LETHAL DOSE 50 ‎– 21st Century Awakening

150 Kč
Industrial ambient z Belgie.
MARK HAMN ‎– Je Déchire L'Ongle Aux Criminels

MARK HAMN ‎– Je Déchire L'Ongle Aux Criminels

150 Kč
Minimalistický experimentální ambient. Itálie.
MATERIA AURORA - Post Night Sequences

MATERIA AURORA - Post Night Sequences

200 Kč
Velmi povedený mrazivý náladotvůrný ambient ve stylu Biosphere. Digipack formátu A5. Francie. Much like some of Materia Aurora’s more IDM-based contemporaries in Pleq and Stendeck, their sound is incredibly emotive, constantly leading the listener on a journey that is both depressive and contemplative — somehow both urban in it’s very nature but still organic in it’s surroundings and the atmosphere that it creates. “Post Night Sequences” is, in a way, an urbanite’s subconscious wish and soulful reach out to the world beyond the city-scapes, past the suburbs and into the beauty of the surrounding world as is evident by the many peaceful non-city-like field recordings found on the album. The album is meditative, focusing on various vast textures as painted by droning surrealistic ambiance and playful interweaving melodic structures that loop around one another in a pristine ethereal dance. It speaks to the minimalist soul in a way that erases the crowded surroundings of city life and...


250 Kč
Hluboký meditativní ambient. 4 kompozice na ploše 70 minut. Německo.


200 Kč
Další z alb mistra meditativního ambientu. Německo.


250 Kč
Hluboký meditativní ambient. 5 kompozic na ploše 70 minut. Německo.
MATHIAS GRASSOW ‎– Deeper Purity

MATHIAS GRASSOW ‎– Deeper Purity

200 Kč
Další z alb mistra meditativního ambientu. Německo.