Kultovní album BETHLEHEM vychází v reedici na LP jako fialový vinyl.
Kultovní, druhé album BETHLEHEM vydané v reedici na LP jako červený vinyl.
V reedici vydané kultovní, třetí album BETHLEHEM na LP jako tmavě zelený vinyl.
Kompilační CD vydané k 10-ti letému výročí labelu Code666.
Info: It’s no use denying it, actually the label compilations are nearly always boring and useless: a jumble of pieces from albums to-come, or, at best, a couple of unpublished tracks or remastered versions of old ones - nothing worth spending money on, not worth listening to even if they are given you free. So you will be wondering why cult-label Code666 has decided to celebrate its 10th birthday producing a compilation of its bands.... well, for a lot of reasons: First, this is NOT a “standard” compilation of our bands, this is actually a 79 minutes concept-album written by 35 different musicians; secondly, because all the music that you will hear has been composed expressly and exclusively for this CD…. and finally because we decided to resort to the enormous talent of Davide Tiso, mastermind of Avantgarde Metal Gods Ephel Duath, whose task has been to assemble, edit and merge the various tracks by means of little songs...
Temný mrazivý black metal. Kanada.
Satanistický black metal. Rusko.
Nekompromisní temný rituální black metal z USA.
The first album of the musical project of the former bassist of the band NECROPHAGIA. “Caverns Of Thantifaxath” is the long-awaited debut album from this self-proclaimed Black Ritual Metal band. The concept album, consisting of 9 invocations, will take you on an unsettling journey through the darkest tunnels of Hell... Strongly reccomended for fans of NECROPHAGIA, BEHERIT, BURZUM, ARCHGOAT, and NUNSLAUGHTER.
Precizní black metal z Mexika. Krásné digipackové vydání.
the whole album draws the listener into a void of interweaving beauty, coalescing with paralyzing dejection that leaves nothing but the desire of total immersion, BLACK HATE prove their versatile musical identity once again and that the modern blend of deadly black metal is flowing through their veins.
The third world has arrived, the old scriptures of Sumeria has been set on fire, and the holy names has been named, now is time for Ascension, now is time for redemption,
Ir./Kalla is the disintegration of all existing knowledge, the purest form of human redeem , when the Nergal's voice resonates and the trumpets starts to sound , Ir./Kalla will complete the seventh gate.
Satanistický black metal. Rusko.
Nové album black metalové kapely z Kostariky.
"Dusk" is the third full-length of the Costa Rican band Black Whispers, it represents an evolution in the sound of the band. Dusk preserves the essence of the DSBM, fusing elements of Raw Black Metal and the Avant-Garde to give way to an 11-track album full of negativity, fatalism and death. A compositionally diverse and experimental album, "Dusk" is a journey into the darkness and the harder feelings of the human condition. Featuring members of ADVENT OF BEDLAM, STARVATION & KERWA. Strongly recommended for the fans of YGG, ULVEGR, MGLA, DRUDKH, KHORS, HORNA, CULT OF FIRE.
Satanistický black metal. Finsko.
Nové album české black death metalové kapely k dostání za speciální cenu!
Bohemyst is a follow-up to Czech dark horde Avenger. Various personal and practical reasons led to quitting Avenger on its 25th anniversary (1992-2017) and the band
continues to deliver dark metal under the new name Bohemyst. Also featuring several (ex-)Master’s Hammer members the band has quite the experience of playing live
as well as recording albums of impeccable quality. The band spent considerable time rehearsing and writing their first album. They hit the studio and managed to record
a masterpiece in Czech metal history. “Cern A Smrt” is without a doubt the album many people have been waiting for. Blackened metal with touches of death metal and
hints of ancient Southern Bohemian heritage blend in together to create an album that borders pure magnificence. The story is not original but when we at Petrichor
heard this album we could do nothing else but be amazed by its’ sheer brilliance. August 2021...
Předposlední album holandské black metalové kapely.
Horror black metal. Holandsko.
Horror black metal. Holandsko.
Horror black metal. Holandsko.
Horror black metal. Holandsko.
Pekelný jihoamerický black metal. Brazílie.
Temný depresivní black metal z Uralu.
Debut album from this excellent one man band from the Ural mountains, Russia; 7 pieces of Doom Black Metal darkness, mistery and despair.
Black metal / Crust. Velká Británie.