Funeral doom metal

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ARCHE - Transitions

ARCHE - Transitions

300 Kč
Precizní funeral doom metal z Finska. Digipack. From the country that gave us some of the earliest and best known doom metal bands such as Thergothon, Skepticism and Shape of Despair, we have the unheralded gem of a band in Arche who are giving their own masterful touches to that sound. Their music is an immaculate expression of ethereal, moving, atmospheric doom metal that has everything in the right proportions. It's impeccably balanced too, with just the right amount of emotive appeal when too many bands overindulge in oppressive melodrama, and the heavier influences remain seamlessly integrated into the sound instead of coming across as forced and sticking out abruptly. As if having a mind and heart of its own, the music flows uninterruptedly and finds its own path and remains content with it, keeping up the slow yet constant pace through the ups and downs of life. The most endearing quality about this record however is just how sincere it sounds, and when it comes to...
DROWN - Subaqueous

DROWN - Subaqueous

380 Kč
Nové album drone funeral doom projektu z USA. Digipack. On his second album "Subaqueous" under the Drown moniker, Portland's Funeral Doom extremist Markov Soroka - also the heart and soul of Tchornobog and Aureole - sets out to absorb all light and in the process creates realms of fluorescent beauty. While celebrating surges of darkness and disturbance through Tchornobog, the obsessively driven artist offers a different facet of his persona via Drown. Although the foundation of the music is uncompromisingly heavy and grief-laden, it is carried by a current of playful melodies and weightless harmonies. These forces combined create a relentless maelstrom into the depths of the sea. Produced by Greg Chandler (Esoteric), who is no stranger to funeral doom metal, "Subaqueous" is a jewel that shines brightly within this still rather obscure genre. As Markov frankly states: "Drown is what I wished 'aquatic doom' sounded like before I started the project." Just as his other...
ESOTERIC - A Pyrrhic Existence - 2CD DIGIBOOK

ESOTERIC - A Pyrrhic Existence - 2CD DIGIBOOK

400 Kč
Nové album kultovní britské funeral doom metalové kapely. Jak už je u nich zvykem, opět se jedná o dlouhé monumentální album, které vychází jako dvojCD v krásném digibookovém vydání. 2 CDs in Mediabook with 12-page booklet limited to the first pressing only. For nearly thirty years ESOTERIC have been pushing the limits of sonic intensity. From the mind-bending darkness of their 90’s double albums to the expansive epics found on their recent opuses, they have never compromised their initial aim; to unleash aural mayhem on unsuspecting listeners. Late 2019 sees the release of their most accomplished work to date, ‘A Pyrrhic Existence’. It is 98 minuts of new material, detailed and layered compositions and a high level of musicianship, foreboding production, and equal measures of utter darkness and melodic diversity.
ESOTERIC - Epistemological Despondency 2CD

ESOTERIC - Epistemological Despondency 2CD

450 Kč
Kultovní debutní album ESOTERIC z roku 1994 nyní vychází v reedici jako dvojCD v luxusním digibook vydání. re-issue of the 1994 debut album, unavailable for over 15 years - issued now on a beautiful digibook with internal booklet and new layout from Mauro Berchi - definitive version of this essential doom album  
ESOTERIC - Paragon of Dissonance 2CD

ESOTERIC - Paragon of Dissonance 2CD

380 Kč
Prvotřídní funeral doom metal. DvojCD. 7 kompozic / 94 minut. Velká Británie.
EVOKEN - Quietus

EVOKEN - Quietus

300 Kč
V reedici vydané druhé album kultovní americké funeral doom metalové kapely. Evoken is a funeral doom metal band from New Jersey USA. The bands style draws comparisons to acts such as early My Dying Bride and also Finnish band Thergothon. The name Evoken was even taken from an old Thergothon demo track. The band was founded by guitarist Nick Orlando under the name Funereus in April 1992 and along with Rob (Bass/Vocals), Phil (Guitar), and Vince (Drums), they recorded what would be the only Funereus release, a rehearsal demo. The band eventually changed to Evoken in 1994 after several line-up changes. ‘Quietus’ was Evoken’s second full-length studio album. It was originally released in 2001 and was recorded at WAVE Studios in New York during October and November of 1999. Evoken have become known for their thick walls of apocalyptic guitar on long epic tracks featuring strong, dark atmospherics, with ‘Quietus’ being a classic example of funeral doom metal honed to perfection,...
FUNERAL - Praesentialis In Aeternum

FUNERAL - Praesentialis In Aeternum

300 Kč
Nové album kultovní norské funeral doom metalové kapely. Digipack. CD in Digipak with 20-page booklet. An early progenitor of funeral doom, Norway's FUNERAL have returned with ’Praesentialis in Aeternum’, their first new album in nearly a decade! The quartet bring forth a soul-rending offering that is rife with agony and pain, providing a fitting soundtrack for the times. Crushing, mournful passages and soaring lead breaks amplify its sorrowful atmosphere, and are certain to rive the heart, mind, and soul of listeners. For fans of: EVOKEN, AHAB, MOURNING BELOVETH Cover art: Christopher Rådlund Tracklist: Ånd (08:08) Materie (06:26) Erindring I - Hovmod (08:56) Erindring II - Fall (10:55) Oppvåkning (09:56) Dvelen (11:35)
FUNERAL MOTH - Transience

FUNERAL MOTH - Transience

250 Kč
Funeral doom metal. Digipack. Japonsko. 2nd album of Japanese extreme doom. This release will be the first appearance of their new bass player Ryo Amamiya after the departure of founding member, Nobuyuki Sento. Following the path of their previous melodic and tranquil slow doom album "dense fog”, they added various experimentations into their song writing - for example, one of the songs is written in "Rondo" format traditionally used on classical composition. These new attempts have made their music become much more dramatic and complex. Tremendous agony in which we suffer on our transient mortal life; feeling of loss, endless sorrow, sense of emptiness and remorse. This album is dedicated to the voiceless dead who had returned to the tranquil ocean with mortal agony.
FUNERAL MOURNING - Drown In Solitude

FUNERAL MOURNING - Drown In Solitude

300 Kč
První album Funeral Mourning z roku 2006 znovu vydané v reedici. Funeral black doom metal z Austrálie. Digipack.
FUNERAL MOURNING - Inertia of Dissonance - A Sermon in Finality

FUNERAL MOURNING - Inertia of Dissonance - A Sermon in Finality

300 Kč
Funeral black doom metal z Austrálie. Reedice alba z roku 2016. Digipack.


350 Kč
Nové album chorobné funeral doom death metalové kapely z Francie. 4 skladby na ploše 78 minut.
FUOCO FATUO - Obsidian Katabasis

FUOCO FATUO - Obsidian Katabasis

380 Kč
Zbrusu nové album italské kapely. Monumentální precizní funeral doom metal. Following up their massive 2017 release “Backwater” which saw the band morph into a more monstrous entity by heightening their doom metal paradigm into more funeral-like realms where their sound became more amalgamous with the likes of such luminaries as Disembowelment, Tyranny, and Esoteric, “Obsidian Katabasis” sees FUOCO FATUO venture even further into the otherworldly obscure undiscovered dimension. Elements of a dreadful nature which find cohesion for a rich and thick sound that manifests into a visionary descent though multi-layered guitars, skullcrushing low tuned chords and sepulchral tremolos filtered through analog sounds for wider landscapes marred with obsessive drumming and infernal growls. An atmospheric, violent and noisey ritualistic experience.
HALLOWED BUTCHERY - Deathsongs from the Hymnal of the Church of the Final Pilgrimage

HALLOWED BUTCHERY - Deathsongs from the Hymnal of the Church of the Final Pilgrimage

320 Kč
Velké překvapení od Aesthetic Death Records. Naprosto precizní funeral doom metal s prvky industrialu a neo folku. Masívní digipackové vydání obsahuje dva velké booklety. Velká Británie. Inspired by Ryan Fairfield’s experience living with a rural death cult, his huge new album features six songs of experimental funeral doom metal with elements of industrial, neo-folk. and synthesizers. This lavish edition also comes with two separate booklets – including the tenet of the Church of the Final Pilgrimage…
HIPOXIA -  Rvinae Ira, Creans Rvina Eo Tempore Est: Monvmentvm ab Khaos II

HIPOXIA - Rvinae Ira, Creans Rvina Eo Tempore Est: Monvmentvm ab Khaos II

300 Kč
Funeral doom metal s prvky black metalu. Španělsko. Impressive third full-length album by the Spanish creature Hipoxia, three very long tracks playing this so obscure and oppressive funeral doom metal that blends cold black metal traces, tribal rhythms, real experimental elements or even drone passages... limited to 200 copies only!!
ISENORDAL - Requiem for Eirênê 2CD

ISENORDAL - Requiem for Eirênê 2CD

750 Kč
Zbrusu nové album ISENORDAL. Tentokrát téměř ve funeral doom metalovém duchu. Vychází v luxusním digibookovém provedení s druhým bonusovým diskem. ISENORDAL are different. Not fitting easily into the given stylistic drawers can often turn out to be both a blessing and a curse for a metal band. The six-piece from Seattle, WA in the United States is particularly hard to pin down. If push comes to shove, they could be described as a funeral doom act, although this hardly does their wide musical range justice. There are also notable influences of black metal, especially the harsh vocals but also the occasional vicious outbreaks of blizzard-riffs. Then again, the metal elements are diligently balanced by beautiful acoustic passages of American neofolk. On their third full-length, "Requiem for Eirênê", ISENORDAL have driven the interplay and cohesion of their musical core elements to a new level. The epic, meandering, and multi-faceted songs on this album each tell a dramatic story. Lead...
MISTRESS OF THE DEAD - Beloveth Forever In My Thoughts

MISTRESS OF THE DEAD - Beloveth Forever In My Thoughts

330 Kč
Nové album tajemného funeral doom metalového projektu. ČR.
MISTRESS OF THE DEAD - Beneath Funeral Flowers

MISTRESS OF THE DEAD - Beneath Funeral Flowers

330 Kč
Tajemný funeral doom metal. Nahrávka z roku 2005 původně vydaná jako limitované CD-R vlastním nákladem autora nyní vychází poprvé jako lisované limitované CD v digisleeve balení. 4 skladby / 65 minut. ČR.


330 Kč
Tajemný funeral doom metal. Nahrávka z roku 2005 původně vydaná jako limitované CD-R vlastním nákladem autora nyní vychází poprvé jako lisované limitované CD v digisleeve balení. 5 skladeb / 75 minut. ČR.
MISTRESS OF THE DEAD - Sepulchral Grief

MISTRESS OF THE DEAD - Sepulchral Grief

330 Kč
Tajemný funeral doom metal. Nahrávka z roku 2005 původně vydaná jako limitované CD-R vlastním nákladem autora nyní vychází poprvé jako lisované limitované CD v digisleeve balení. 5 skladeb / 65 minut. ČR.
MISTRESS OF THE DEAD - Warnings From Beyond

MISTRESS OF THE DEAD - Warnings From Beyond

330 Kč
Tajemný funeral doom metal. Nahrávka z roku 2004 původně vydaná jako limitované CD-R vlastním nákladem autora nyní vychází poprvé jako lisované limitované CD v digisleeve balení. 6 skladeb / 70 minut. ČR.