TEMPLE OF SCORN - Funeral Altar Epiphanies

Hudební žánr: Death Metal / Grindcore / Thrash metal
Rok vydání: 2023
Dostupnost: Skladem

Cena: 380 Kč

Opište kód: šestpětdevět:

Brutal old school death metal z Dánska. Digipack.

From the fertile death metal lands of Denmark, emerges a terrifying new entity conjured up by the sacrificial spilling of blood from members of reputable tribes such as Baest, Bloodgutter, Dawn of Demise, Exmortem, Invocator and more, holding the collective promise of becoming a new legend in the region. Imbibing ancient knowledge from the best in their fields, Temple of Scorn have mastered the dark arts of both death and doom metal and have carved a sound that takes the best aspects from those styles and turns it lethal. Shrouded in darkness and afflicted with rot, the songs both lumber and rampage at will, using the most suitable tactic for maximum aural destruction, always remaining effective. With unbeatable single-minded intent and possessing everything they need to get the work done, it's almost with effortless ease that Temple of Scorn deliver an album of greatness, that too on only their debut full length. It's destined to be remembered as a monumental, inviolable slab of dark and doomy death metal.    

For fans of: Incantation, Viande, Cruciamentum, Mortiferum, Krypts


released November 24, 2023

Line up -
Simon P. Katborg (Horned Almighty, Exmortem) - Vocals
Flemming C. Lund (The Arcane Order, Invocator) - Guitars
Svend E. Karlsson (Baest, Kampvogn) - Guitars
Bjørn Jensen (Dawn of Demise, Bloodgutter) - Bass
Jacques Hauge (Horned Almighty, Sylvatica) - Drums

Artwork by Khaos Diktator Design (Burial Hordes)