ABOMINABLOOD - Abomination Continues

Hudební žánr: Black Metal / Pagan black metal
Rok vydání: 2017
Dostupnost: Skladem

Cena: 100 Kč

Opište kód: sedmpěttři:

Extrémní brutální black death metal z Argentiny. MiniCD.

Abominablood is an obscure entity from Argentina that plays a suffocating blend of Death Metal and Bestial Black metal that sears forth with unrelenting aggression yet maintains an eerie and evil atmosphere. Caustic vocals echo forth and saturate this MCD, setting a violent and disturbing tone with a distinct mythological theme.Fans of Teitanblood and Archgoat to modern beasts like Svart Crown and Desolate Shrine will surely find enough and more to sink their teeth into. 8 tracks of unearthly death and disaster mesmerize the unwary listener and ominously leads them towards their inevitable doom.