AKERIUS - La Malb​ê​te

Hudební žánr: Black Metal / Pagan black metal
Rok vydání: 2021
Dostupnost: Skladem

Cena: 220 Kč

Opište kód: pětjednanula:

Pozoruhodný mix dungeon ambientu a black metalu. Digipack. Francie.

An album with a subtle mix of Dungeon Synth and Black Metal to the service of a medieval concept story.

????his tenacious Occitanian legend has always fascinated me, I was inspired by it to create a kind of 'concept album' based on mysterious events still unresolved to this day ...
The "Beast of Gévaudan" would be an animal at the origin of a series of attacks in France which began in the former country of "Gévaudan" against villagers (often women and children) between June 30, 1764 and June 19, 1767.
All this gave rise to various rumors about the nature of this "beast": a wolf, an exotic animal, or a werewolf !?
The fear of this apparently invincible "Malbête" and the too many victims, incited the King (Louis XV) to mobilize royal troops ("The Dragons") to track and kill it. Was it a "divine punishment" as the Church wanted to lead it to believe, an animal trained to kill or even an unknown species to this day thirsty for blood? The mystery still remains ...