Zatím poslední album SOLSTAFIR k dostání také jako dvojLP. Černý vinyl.
Black 12" double vinyl (33 rpm) in sturdy printed inner sleeves in deluxe gatefold with 12-page insert. First pressing to 1,800 copies worldwide.
Music will always be inspired by the environment in which it is created.
With its incredible array of highly diverse landscapes ranging from white glaciers via volcanic bizarreness, moss-green bubble-fields, deep fjords, and frost-cracked mountains to black beaches, Iceland has shaped a host of astonishingly original in SÓLSTAFIR.
More than ever, SÓLSTAFIR’s new opus ‘Endless Twilight of Codependent Love’ highlights the contrasting influences that have inspired the band over the years. Whether you’re listening to the black metal infused “Dionysus”, “Her Fall From Grace”, the gracious song “Til Modar” or a straightforward SÓLSTAFIR masterpiece “Akkeri”, the Icelanders have mastered all these elements and blended it seamlessly into one record.
Cover artwork by...
Opět k dostání toto pozoruhodné album z roku 2015. Vedlejší projekt lidí z Dordeduh a stylové se jedná o psychedelický post rock s podobnou náladou jako mají Dordeduh. Digipack.
Psychedelic Post Rock from the minds behind Dordeduh
Sunset In The 12th House is a new band founded by Dordeduh masterminds Edmond Karban (aka Hupogrammos) and Sol Faur. Acting mainly as an instrumental band, the quartet, which is completed by Dordeduh drummer Sergio Ponti and bass player Mihai Moldoveanu, performs a unique style that can be best described as a blend of Psychedelic Post Rock and traditional oriental music. The enigmatic band name refers to the astrological array in which the twelfth house is the house of subconsciousness and unconsciousness, of intuition, compassion and spiritual transcendence. It is the residence of the collective unconscious, the wellspring of symbols, archetypes and imagination.
"Mozaic" is the band's debut album and, as the name suggests, a very diverse, colorful...
Psychedelic Post Rock from the minds behind Dordeduh
Sunset In The 12th House is a new band founded by Dordeduh masterminds Edmond Karban (aka Hupogrammos) and Sol Faur. Acting mainly as an instrumental band, the quartet, which is completed by Dordeduh drummer Sergio Ponti and bass player Mihai Moldoveanu, performs a unique style that can be best described as a blend of Psychedelic Post Rock and traditional oriental music. The enigmatic band name refers to the astrological array in which the twelfth house is the house of subconsciousness and unconsciousness, of intuition, compassion and spiritual transcendence. It is the residence of the collective unconscious, the wellspring of symbols, archetypes and imagination.
"Mozaic" is the band's debut album and, as the name suggests, a very diverse, colorful work. It crosses various styles bound together by a natural flow from one musical theme to another. "Mozaic" is not a concept album in the true sense of the word even though it could...
Melancholický post-rock z produkce labelu My Kingdom Music. Itálie.
Precizní post metal / post doom se ženským zpěvem. ČR.
"Certa Omnibus Hora" těžko mohla vyjít v lepším čase, než je období spící přírody a také jakési beznaděje, která nás všechny obklopuje. Temnota může pohlcovat, ale stejně tak může být i místem, které pohltí to negativní. Jako lék na beznaděj funguje tohle album skvěle.
Infernal Vlad (Cult of Fire, Death Karma) a jeho sólové album. Melancholický zasněný nostalgický post black metal / post rock.
Song description:
Fragments of memories of years of my amazing childhood spent with my grandparents in a village called Kostolné.
01. Rána (Mornings) – The moments when you open the door of your house, hungry cats are waiting for you in the yard, the beautiful smell of nature is all around you and you are listening to the satisfying sounds of the countryside.
02. Detské hry (Children's games) – Crazy and carefree frolicking with children from the neighborhood filled with laughter and also sometimes crying.
03. Dedov vodný mlyn (Grandfather's watermill) – A memory dedicated to our watermill in Kostolné which later became the house of my grandparents where I spent holidays.
04. Kostolník – A stream on which my grandfather's watermill stood. I have most of my childhood memories connected with it – catching fish and crayfish with my bare...
Náladotvůrný hypnotický post rock z Francie. Digipack.
Avantgarde Music, Prog-Rock, Coldwave, warm jazzy female voices is what you are going to experience with the new album titled “Void”. In its desire of experimenting, XCIII transports the listeners into a dreamy, hypnotic soundscape thanks to its disturbing atmospheric voluptuousness finding its musical references in bands like ULVER, THE PINEAPPLE THIEF, PORCUPINE TREE, LUNATIC SOUL, ANATHEMA, MASSIVE ATTACK.