Post metal / Post-rock

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KATLA - Mó∂urástin GIRLIE

KATLA - Mó∂urástin GIRLIE

450 Kč
Dámské triko. Velikost S, M.
KATLA - Mó∂urástin GIRLIE

KATLA - Mó∂urástin GIRLIE

450 Kč
Dámské triko. Velikost S, M.
KONTINUUM - No Need To Reason

KONTINUUM - No Need To Reason

150 Kč
Krásný melancholický ambient post rock z Islandu. Digipack. KONTINUUM have the rare ability to create dark music that at the same time comes with an embracing warmth and emotional appeal. The Icelanders' third album, 'No Need To Reason' continues the thread spun on previous full-length 'Kyrr', but expands the possibilities and range of the band's musical horizon. Ambient, rock, wave influences and other stylistic sources of inspiration melt into a melancholic yet glittering masterpiece. Like the blue ice, black beaches and other spectacular landscapes of their North Atlantic home, 'No Need To Reason' keeps changing and shifting, while KONTINUUM seem to keep an underlying epic and mythical theme.  
KYLESA - Exhausting Fire

KYLESA - Exhausting Fire

200 Kč
Precizní progresivní stoner / sludge / doom / psychedelic rock z USA. Digipack. KYLESA have returned as challenging and daring as ever on their seventh full length, 'Exhausting Fire’! Moving well beyond their trademark riffs, 'Exhausting Fire’ sees core founding members, Laura Pleasants and Phillip Cope, expanding and evolving. The dualism of Pleasants' versatile singing and Cope's shouted vocals melds perfectly with the constant change in sound. Shifting effortlessly from heavy hard rock riffs to punk-infused beats to even barren cold wave concoctions, 'Exhausting Fire’ sees KYLESA progressing in ways never thought possible and is undoubtedly one of the best records of 2015!
KYLESA - From the Vaults Vol. I

KYLESA - From the Vaults Vol. I

100 Kč
Psychedelický stoner / sludge / doom / rock z USA. KYLESA have blossomed from a hot tip of the avant-garde crowd – as found at the prestigious Roadburn Festival – into a high profile act. They are courted by a steadily growing number of fans and by the media. Despite criss-crossing Europe and the United States following the release of their acclaimed bestseller “Spiral Shadow” (2010), the band led by singers and guitarists Philipp Cope and Laura Pleasants has found the time to record what they describe as “a labor of love”. Going through rare and previously unreleased tracks from former recording sessions, alternate versions of well beloved songs and even a brand new track, KYLESA remixed and rearranged those they felt to have a permeating feeling of togetherness into this outstanding collection “From the Vaults Vol. I”. Far beyond the average compilation it will make you wish for Vol. II!
LANTLOS - Wildhund

LANTLOS - Wildhund

420 Kč
Nové album německé náladotvůrné post rock / post metal kapely. Krásné digibook vydání. With their fifth full-length, "Wildhund" ("Wild Dog"), LANTLOS once again shed their sonic skin and emerge from their inspirational chrysalis a quite different animal than the one before. The Germans have turned into an alternative metal butterfly with songs meandering along colourful streams through beautiful wide open soundscapes that defy easy comparison but can tentatively be located somewhere in that warped sonic space between DEVIN TOWNSEND, SMASHING PUMPKINS, HUM, and MOTORPSYCHO. This collection of amazing songs also comes with the gravity defying, inverted heaviness of DEFTONES and a strong dose of catchiness that in unobserved moments even leans towards the FOO FIGHTERS. When multi-instrumentalist Markus Siegenhort founded LANTLOS together with his friend Anggrau in 2005, their music was still quite influenced by black metal. This is darkly reflected on the band’s rare first demo "Îsern...
LES DISCRETS - Prédateurs

LES DISCRETS - Prédateurs

380 Kč
Nové album francouzské melancholické kapely. Krásné digibook vydání. Lyon, France dark dreamweavers Les Discrets return with "Prédateurs", their first full-length album in five years. Ever-evolving, the sound of Les Discrets in 2017 takes a stylistic shift which sees the band's dreamy shoegaze and metallic tinged post-rock turn into dark indie rock with electronic chill while incorporating inspiration from trip-hop and 70's film soundtracks. Described as 'the soundtrack of a slow film noir happening in a train where the journey leads the auditor to several places seen from the windows', "Prédateurs" is a cinematographic, urban album made of steel, concrete, snow and electricity. Easy on the ears, "Prédateurs" accessibility is shaped by interpreting the familiar music and melodies of Les Discrets with new instruments, approach and ambition. Although its shape has changed, the feeling of the music, its atmosphere and its essential core has remained the same. On the new album and...
LES DISCRETS - Prédateurs LP

LES DISCRETS - Prédateurs LP

600 Kč
Třetí album francouzské melanchoilické kapely na LP. Lyon, France dark dreamweavers Les Discrets return with "Prédateurs", their first full-length album in five years. Ever-evolving, the sound of Les Discrets in 2017 takes a stylistic shift which sees the band's dreamy shoegaze and metallic tinged post-rock turn into dark indie rock with electronic chill while incorporating inspiration from trip-hop and 70's film soundtracks. Described as 'the soundtrack of a slow film noir happening in a train where the journey leads the auditor to several places seen from the windows', "Prédateurs" is a cinematographic, urban album made of steel, concrete, snow and electricity. Easy on the ears, "Prédateurs" accessibility is shaped by interpreting the familiar music and melodies of Les Discrets with new instruments, approach and ambition. Although its shape has changed, the feeling of the music, its atmosphere and its essential core has remained the same. On the new album and its concepts,...
L´ALBA DI MORRIGAN - The Essence Remains

L´ALBA DI MORRIGAN - The Essence Remains

200 Kč
Náladotvůrný post doom metal / post rock. Itálie.
MANES - Teeth, Toes And Other Trinkets

MANES - Teeth, Toes And Other Trinkets

380 Kč
"Teeth, Toes And Other Trinkets" is an anthology of eleven unreleased, obscure and hard-to-find tracks / alternate versions culled from the verdant MANES archives. Dating back to the periods of their stellar "Vilosophe" and "How The World Came To An End" full-lengths from 2003 and 2007 respectively, these previous-buried jewels have been exhumed and presented anew for fresh consumption.
MORGUE SON - Večernice - proplouváš

MORGUE SON - Večernice - proplouváš

150 Kč
Osm psychedelicko rockových písní, které popisují postřehy člověka jenž se rád zdrží venku když se setmí. Svit městských lamp a pouličních scenérií navozuje plno nostalgických vzpomínek, do naší mysli se promítá balancování o vyřčených slovech, o činech, které nám ovlivňují budoucnost. Večernice se alespoň okrajově vyrovnává s křivdami, se ztracenou láskou, s vlivem drog. Nachází plno naděje a kouzelných chvil osamocena při nočním proplouvání. V moři nočních světel, mezi světluškami s cigaretou, lahví whisky. Ve slowmotion obrazech se vynořují vzpomínky na tíživé životní chvíle a píšou dokument o jejím současném životě. Uvědomění o krásách a hodnotách, snech a vizích, které nesmějí ustrnout v tom co nám prezentuje okolní svět, plný zášti sebeobohacení a nenávisti. Krásu, a smysl života si nacházíme vždy sami. Nikdo nám ji vnutit nemůže. Nikdo nám nemůže nařídit koho a co máme milovat...
OBSIDIAN KINGDOM - A Year With No Summer

OBSIDIAN KINGDOM - A Year With No Summer

150 Kč
Progresivní experimentální post metal ze Španělska. Digipack. With sophomore album 'A Year With No Summer' featuring guest performances by Attila Csihar (MAYHEM) and Garm (ULVER), Spain’s OBISIDIAN KINGDOM move away from their extreme metal roots and towards a more progressive sound. There are still burning guitars and harsh riffing to be found, yet there is also simply much more of everything else. Contrasts, shifts, and raw emotions created and guided by intricate rhythm patterns, electronic tapestries as well as highlights are combined into a carefully composed musical painting of monumental dimensions. There are hints of the epic approach offered by such influences as PINK FLOYD and MARILLION, yet OBSIDIAN KINGDOM use a far darker range of colours on their pallet. There is a constant sense of drowning, darkness and depression threading through 'A Year With No Summer', which binds the wide stylistic range offered by its diverse song material together.
PENCEY SLOE - Don’t Believe, Watch Out

PENCEY SLOE - Don’t Believe, Watch Out

380 Kč
Melancholický zasněný shoegaze post rock z Francie. Digipack. With "Don't Believe, Watch Out," Pencey Sloe unroll a rather distinct carpet of weightless guitars and enraptured singing onto dense dimensions of shoegaze and dream pop. It is the first full-length of the Parisian trio featuring charismatic front woman Diane Pellotieri as well as Clément Baptiste​ (drums) and Valentin Beaucourt (lead guitar), who seemingly came out of nowhere in 2017 and are set to make it far. Pencey Sloe are exceptional for their ability to marry enchanting intricate harmonies to an angelic voice, all propelled by an addictively straightforward rhythm section. Thus, their tunes become sonic shades - bitter-sweet and bright on the surface, acutely dark below like the shadow side of our psyche. As it happened during songwriting, the band indeed put up "an empty canvas that turned into a weird musical self-portrait" of their newborn, blossoming endeavor. "Recording our music was an emotional...


130 Kč
Kompletně přepracované a znovu nahrané debutní album POSTCARDS FROM ARKHAM vydané k 10ti letému výročí alba. Limitovaná edice. Digipack.
RUIT HORA - Kainophobia

RUIT HORA - Kainophobia

250 Kč
Velmi pozoruhodná kapela z Čile. Temný, tajemný mix post doomu, ambientu, scénické hudby... Krásné digipackové vydání. Ruit Hora is originally one man band, that creates a unique sound, mixing the English Doom school with projects such as John Carpenter, Ben Frost, Ulver, Laibach, etc. In "Kainophobia", the way of working changes. In this new format, Daniel Araya (Voices, synthesizers, drum machines) are joined by musicians Carlos Fuentes (effects and drum machine), Fran Muñoz (drums) and Pablo Selman (bass).
SEA OF DISORDER - Sea of Disorder

SEA OF DISORDER - Sea of Disorder

200 Kč
Melancholický amotmosférický náladotvúrný doom metal / post rock. Digipack. Rakousko.
SINISTRO - Semente

SINISTRO - Semente

150 Kč
Krásný náladotvůrný melancholický ambient post rock doom metal z Portugalska. Digipack. SINISTRO’s new album 'Semente' ("Seed") is fascinating. This unique music is quite hard to easily tag and file into a drawer. The mind tries tricks and attempts constructions like LANA DEL REY meets MY DYING BRIDE – only to drop the idea a minute later. Looking for points of reference, the Portuguese band might at any moment give reason for comparison with MASSIVE ATTACK, ENNIO MORRICONE, BOARDS OF CANADA, HOWARD SHORE, RADIOHEAD, FAITH NO MORE, ANGELO BADALAMENTI, DAVID BOWIE, SWANS, UNWOUND, MOGWAI, and CRIPPLED BLACK PHOENIX. Yet none of these names dropped here will make sense at another sequence. It is very much up to each listener to determine their own points of reference. Keeping a cinematic feeling in the background, SINISTRO vary from abrasive musical thickness to a perfect sense of stillness, which portrays the urban landscapes of their homeland and its legacy with a strong visual...
SÓLSTAFIR - Berdreyminn

SÓLSTAFIR - Berdreyminn

280 Kč
Šesté album mistrů islandské melancholie. Digipack. SÓLSTAFIR are not like any other band. Their sixth album 'Berdreyminn' underscores this statement. As its title "a dreamer of forthcoming events" aptly describes, the four Icelanders have taken their already impressive evolution one step further. The band has continued to amalgamate haunting melodies, psychedelic phases, as well as strong undercurrents of classic rock and hard rock with echoes of their metal past. Yet SÓLSTAFIR's focus is not on style but pure emotion. 'Berdreyminn' is eclectic by a conscious choice to make feelings audible and transform taste as well as texture to sound. Genre borders are not broken but simply ignored. Musical influences are gathered from a wide range of sources, re-arranged, and woven into new patterns. Melancholy, longing, anger, joy, pleasure, pain, and other emotions are fuelling & fulling this album.
SOLSTAFIR - Endless Twilight Of Codependent Love

SOLSTAFIR - Endless Twilight Of Codependent Love

230 Kč
Zatím poslední album islandské kapely. Digipack. Music will always be inspired by the environment in which it is created. With its incredible array of highly diverse landscapes ranging from white glaciers via volcanic bizarreness, moss-green bubble-fields, deep fjords, and frost-cracked mountains to black beaches, Iceland has shaped a host of astonishingly original in SÓLSTAFIR. More than ever, SÓLSTAFIR’s new opus ‘Endless Twilight of Codependent Love’ highlights the contrasting influences that have inspired the band over the years. Whether you’re listening to the black metal infused “Dionysus”, “Her Fall From Grace”, the gracious song “Til Modar” or a straightforward SÓLSTAFIR masterpiece “Akkeri”, the Icelanders have mastered all these elements and blended it seamlessly into one record. Cover artwork by Johann Baptist Zwecker (The Lady of the Mountain, 1864).
SOLSTAFIR - Endless Twilight Of Codependent Love 2LP

SOLSTAFIR - Endless Twilight Of Codependent Love 2LP

650 Kč
Zatím poslední album SOLSTAFIR k dostání také jako dvojLP. Černý vinyl. Black 12" double vinyl (33 rpm) in sturdy printed inner sleeves in deluxe gatefold with 12-page insert. First pressing to 1,800 copies worldwide. Music will always be inspired by the environment in which it is created. With its incredible array of highly diverse landscapes ranging from white glaciers via volcanic bizarreness, moss-green bubble-fields, deep fjords, and frost-cracked mountains to black beaches, Iceland has shaped a host of astonishingly original in SÓLSTAFIR. More than ever, SÓLSTAFIR’s new opus ‘Endless Twilight of Codependent Love’ highlights the contrasting influences that have inspired the band over the years. Whether you’re listening to the black metal infused “Dionysus”, “Her Fall From Grace”, the gracious song “Til Modar” or a straightforward SÓLSTAFIR masterpiece “Akkeri”, the Icelanders have mastered all these elements and blended it seamlessly into one record. Cover artwork by...