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LORD VAMPYR - Death Comes Under The Sign Of The Cross

LORD VAMPYR - Death Comes Under The Sign Of The Cross

66 Kč
Vampýrský gothic black metal z Itálie. Italian black/gothic metallers LORD VAMPYR return with their 6th full length album! The band of mainman Lord Vampyr (founder and ex-singer of THEATRES DES VAMPIRES) plays now a modern metal, that combines elements from their black metal past, gothic, gothic metal, industrial, till epic and classic heavy metal! For fans of: Theatres Des Vampires, Cradle Of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Behemoth, Rotting Christ, Iron Maiden, Moonspell, Black Sabbath, Ghost, Candlemass.


100 Kč
Black metal. Turecko.
LOW TWELVE - This Side Toward Enemy

LOW TWELVE - This Side Toward Enemy

50 Kč
Hutný horror metal z USA.
LUCIFUGUM - Tri Nity Limb Ritual

LUCIFUGUM - Tri Nity Limb Ritual

100 Kč
Nové album ukrajinské black metalové hordy. Digipack.
LUTOWRAT - Lead by the Wolf

LUTOWRAT - Lead by the Wolf

180 Kč
Debutní album mladé nadějné ruské pagan black metalové kapely. Debut full-length album by LUTOWRAT (Tomsk, Russia) is a kind of compilation summarizing three years of bands existence. The band plays heathen metal – a combination of fury and speed of black metal with atmosphere and melodiousness characteristic of pagan metal. The lyrics are based on sagas about the ancient heroes and gods of the Baltic Sea region along with anticlerical and pagan subjects. The album begins with bass intro plunging listeners into the dark atmosphere of the early medieval pre-christian Baltic Sea region. The intro is followed by the squall of guitar riffs and blastbeats alternating with melodic lines and atmospheric guitar picking. The most songs on the album can be characterized by tough black metal guitar riffing and angry truculent screaming. The CD also includes a cover version of "Ulfhednir Todesschwadron" originally performed by Teutonic knights from ABSURD. LUTOWRAT play their interpretation of...
LYCANTHROPY - Epitaphium

LYCANTHROPY - Epitaphium

100 Kč
Satanistický black metal. Rusko.
MACHINA BAPHOMETA ‎– On The Ruins Of Empires

MACHINA BAPHOMETA ‎– On The Ruins Of Empires

50 Kč
Syrový antikřesťanský black metal. Slovensko.
MALHKEBRE - Revelation

MALHKEBRE - Revelation

200 Kč
Black metal. Francie.


200 Kč
Další velmi pozoruhodná záležitost od Aesthetic Death Records. Hypnotický šamanský doom metal z Ruska. Krásné digipackové vydání. Megalith Levitation — mystics from Ural mountains are here with the new CD — Void Psalms. After hypnotic "Acid Doom Rites" and cosmic split album with Dekonstruktor the occult trio have came up with 53 minute long Magnum Opus containing unforgiving draconic heaviness in style of Saturnalia Temple, proclamations, akin to what we can hear in Horse Latitudes and trance like monotonous grit, bridging the sound with already mentioned Dekonstruktor. Artwork from GodLikeIkons invokes imagery from the beginning of 20th century, when the Western world has discovered The Fall of Man. So seek out the Temple of Silence and sink deep into the Void Psalms.
MELANCHOLY - Proфet Ver.1

MELANCHOLY - Proфet Ver.1

100 Kč
Gothic doom metal. Rusko.


100 Kč
Velmi povedený živelný pagan folk metal. Švýcarsko.


130 Kč
Misantropický temný rituální black death metal. Digipack. Velká Británie. Hailing from the UK's midlands, Misanthropic Existence were forged in the dying days of 2011, carved from the heart of Rigor Mortal's corpse, the band set upon it's craft very quickly to create the most misanthropic, apocalyptic, nihilistic and violent breed of extreme metal it could. Following line-up changes to what is a now fully fledged war-machine. Misanthropic Existence put together various EP's, demo's and live rituals. The band has recieved much praise and notoriety for it's craft within the depths of the underground. The bands music is ferocious, intense, very pissed off and hateful, with a focus on a raw and unedited live sound, using human imperfections rather deliberately through choice and design. "DEATH SHALL BE SERVED" is the bands latest and debut full length, running over an hour in length it is a challenge of endurance to every listener as it rarely ever dips from full on assault from...
MITTERNACHT ‎– The Desolation Of Blendenstein

MITTERNACHT ‎– The Desolation Of Blendenstein

130 Kč
Tajuplný dark ambient / neofolk z Argentiny.
MOLOCH - A Journey to the Vyrdin

MOLOCH - A Journey to the Vyrdin

100 Kč
Ambient / Black. Ukrajina.


200 Kč
Precizní funeral doom death metal z Belgie. Digipack.
MORGUE SON - Večernice - proplouváš

MORGUE SON - Večernice - proplouváš

150 Kč
Osm psychedelicko rockových písní, které popisují postřehy člověka jenž se rád zdrží venku když se setmí. Svit městských lamp a pouličních scenérií navozuje plno nostalgických vzpomínek, do naší mysli se promítá balancování o vyřčených slovech, o činech, které nám ovlivňují budoucnost. Večernice se alespoň okrajově vyrovnává s křivdami, se ztracenou láskou, s vlivem drog. Nachází plno naděje a kouzelných chvil osamocena při nočním proplouvání. V moři nočních světel, mezi světluškami s cigaretou, lahví whisky. Ve slowmotion obrazech se vynořují vzpomínky na tíživé životní chvíle a píšou dokument o jejím současném životě. Uvědomění o krásách a hodnotách, snech a vizích, které nesmějí ustrnout v tom co nám prezentuje okolní svět, plný zášti sebeobohacení a nenávisti. Krásu, a smysl života si nacházíme vždy sami. Nikdo nám ji vnutit nemůže. Nikdo nám nemůže nařídit koho a co máme milovat...
MORMANT DE SNAGOV - Rise from the Void

MORMANT DE SNAGOV - Rise from the Void

50 Kč
Black metal. Finsko.
MORNINGSTAR - Finnish Metal

MORNINGSTAR - Finnish Metal

50 Kč
Old school heavy thrash metal. Finsko.
MURMUR - Murmur

MURMUR - Murmur

130 Kč
Progresivní black metal z USA. Digipack. Exclusive Digipak Edition Limited to the first pressing Incl. bonus king crimson cover "Larks" tongues in aspic, part II" Chicago's MURMUR has reemerged an altogether different beast than the one that spawned 2010's morose `Mainlining the Lugubrious'. On their new album 'Murmur' the band, led by guitarist/vocalist Matthias Vogels, craft music as distinct and progressive as anything to ever come from the US heavy-rock underground. The music is angular and propulsive; flexing fluid time and meter changes as they build to dizzying crescendos, before collapsing into moments of fragile subtlety. 'Murmur' spans the spectrum from primal to provocative, and is the crossroad where a wild pastiche of influences (black metal, experimental jazz, midwest punk and noise rock, and more) meet. `Murmur' is one of the most innovative, groundbreaking albums ever to be spawned from the modern black metal scene. Recommended if You Like: NACHTMYSTIUM, DEATHSPELL...
NATHORG - Torch Holder Ov Death

NATHORG - Torch Holder Ov Death

150 Kč
Druhé album pozoruhodné kapely z Iránu. Melodický black metal s atmosférou Orientu a Středního Východu. The second album of this great black metal band from Iran! Melodic black metal, mixed with death metal elements and oriental/middle-east sounds. For fans of Mayhem, Behemoth, Darkthrone, Belphegor, Nile, Melechesh and Odious!