Melancholický náladotvůrný post black metal. Digipack. Holandsko.
Welcome to the third highly anticipated full length album of dutch introspective musical experience : COLD BODY RADIATION.
”A Clear Path” is a deeply personal work of loss, honesty and hope. A new focus on songs structure and personal lyrics. Cut from the roots and stylistic restrains of black metal COLD BODY RADIATION is now free to soar new highs and lows.
All they want to do is make new music and set their own standards even higher.
The depth and quality is tangible in every hair-raising moment, it is honest, textured sound and far more beautiful than a description can attest. ”A clear path” is the soundtrack to your inner growth, and should be approached with caution.
Melancholický náladotvůrný post black metal. Holandsko.
The long time sold out second album of seminal shoegaze black metal act Cold Body Radiation is now reissued on jewel case CD format.
So hard to categorise, CBR is becoming a fiercely original reference in the so called post-bm shoegaze movement. The new seven compositions come with a pounding sound structure trying to flout all conventions of usual extreme metal audio structures.
‘Deer Twillight’ captures the cold season in all shades and lights. Winter provided a perfect backdrop for melancholy and inner turmoil. This is a personal journey looking for hope in bleak circumstances. Trying to capture the overwhelming beauty and despair of winter.
Melancholický post black metal. Holandsko.
With this new album, COLD BODY RADIATION continues the intimate and melancholic path of the previous “The clear path”. These eight new tracks album once again confirm the M. quality and composition depth that, although he definitively abandoned the most extreme sounds, still managed to get us into a restlessness and mystery swirl.
‘The orphean lyre” is an intensely human listening experience. Teeming with life and breathing as it coughs and splutters, there is an unavoidable attachment felt almost instantly as a listener. This is music that drags you in and simply refuses to let go.
Do not think, do not listen to, do not judge yourself for what will come out of this experience. Everything is within you and this new COLD BODY RADIATION album is a solid vehicle for a deep work on yourself. Finally.
Zásadní nahrávka italské electro dark wave scény z roku 1995 vychází znovu na CD.
COLLOQUIO is well known for exploring the territories between electronic/wave sounds and the italian songwriting tradition. "Io E L’Altro" represents one of the early examples of their soundscapes. As many says nobody sounds and sings the inadequacy of this life like Gianni does. There's something more than mere "music" in his records and there's more than simple "poetry" in his words. Who loves last COLLOQUIO’s works like “L’entrata – L’uscita” or the previuous “Si Muove E Ride” will need to find the basis and roots of that majestic sound in this old but always contemporary output and will greatly enjoy.
Zběsilý moderní grindcore z USA.
Grindcore antagonists COMPLETE FAILURE set loose their newest album “The Art Gospel of Aggravated Assault”. The band from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania deliver a tour de force fusing ferocious speed and aggression with their violent, iconoclastic stance. Their debut full-length “Perversions of Guilt” was recorded, mixed and mastered by TODAY IS THE DAY frontman Steve Austin. After a US and European tour in 2008, their self released album “Heal No Evil” (2009) sold out immediately and was re-issued by Relapse Records. Critics attribute a wide range of influences such as BLACK FLAG and POISON IDEA, but also BLUE ÖYSTER CULT and URIAH HEEP. “The Art Gospel of Aggravated Assault” comes with brutal force and a musical intelligence making COMPLETE FAILURE more than just another Grindcore act!
Sludge drone doom metal. Kanada.
Sludge drone doom metal. Kanada.
Zbrusu nové album polské kapely. Ponurý nekompromisní doom death metal.
Destruction and a nightmare out of a dark sky. Now and Here! We will cross the filthy gates of death, Yog -Sothoth will give us the keys, to find our poor salvation in the disgusting and indescribable horror with Cthulhuss new album. Obliteration Of Souls” is a journey soaked by soul-sucking anxiety and ghastly delusions, which ends with total destruction of our humanity. These six full of dread tracks are excellent Death Doom Metal madness that will captivate every apostle of th eternals! The terror is coming!
Velmi povedený avantgardní a teatrální black metal z Maďarska. Lahůdka pro příznivce Arcturus nebo Thy Catafalque.
Nové album ruské black / death metalové kapely. Precizní temnota!
After three years of calm, the giant shadows illuminating the sacred road that leads to death with funeral fires began to grow on the wolf paths. Frantic pulsation in the veins makes the angry call for the fallen increasingly clear. The rebellious demons of "Rebelliant Daemonis" rip the seals of life off to the sound of the hooves of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, to the creak of the Dead Tree of Chaos and to the buzzing of the locusts of Abaddon, forcing the last angel to sound the melody of oblivion over the ashes. The fragile bowls of fear are about to crack from shamanic rhythms of the drum section. Chthonic legions raise the banners of the beast to the sky blackened by the shine of the Satans crown. The emanation of the highest Evil from the loins of Lilith. On the fourth album of this Russian band the combination of furious and evil black/death metal with occult themes reaches a new level. Truly mature, dark...
Ponurý depresivní black metal. Ukraina.
Znovuvydané album DARZAMAT z roku 2005. Majestátní symfonický gothic black metal. Polsko.
A majestic black metal masterpiece, blending black metal, gothic metal and symphonic black elements, with harsh male and melodic female vocals, keyboards next to guitars creating haunting atmospheres, coming like directly from our lovely Transylvania and its Carpathian mountains!
For fans of: Cradle Of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Behemoth, Covenant and Hecated Enthroned!
Available as 15-years anniversary edition with new artwork!
Živelný death metal / hardcore. Polsko.
Temný depresivní black doom metal / dark ambient. Francie.
Old school black metal z Portugalska a Itálie na split CD.