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DOMAIN - Pandemonium

DOMAIN - Pandemonium

66 Kč
Debutní album z roku 1995 vydané v reedici. Death metal. Polsko.


130 Kč
Hytný psychedelický doom metal z Polska. DOOMSTER REICH return with their second album 'Drug Magick'. Recorded at  the famous Radio Lodz concert studio. A homage to the raw sound of late 60s/early 70s rock. This album was recorded live, in one take ! A hybrid of doom metal, psychedelia and krautrock takes the listener deep into hypnotic, drug-fueled trances of Devil worship.
DORBLACK - Deep Waters Still Run

DORBLACK - Deep Waters Still Run

130 Kč
Nové album běloruské kapely. Temný nekompromisní black metal ve stulu Marduk, Carpathian Forest, Gorgoroth.


100 Kč
Death metal / grindcore. USA.
DRYGVA - Vaydelot

DRYGVA - Vaydelot

130 Kč
Zbrusu nové album pagan folk metalové kapely z Běloruska. Živelná záležitost pro příznivce kapel jako Arkona, Grai.
DVM SPIRO - MMXIX – In Frigidvm Lectvm

DVM SPIRO - MMXIX – In Frigidvm Lectvm

100 Kč
Hutný pomalý old school doom metal ve stylu starých My Dying Bride, Paradis Lost, Funeral. Itálie. DVM SPIRO is formed by NIHILI LOCUS members (Max, Roberto, Valeria), cult Italian band of the 90′s, and they serves you the finest tunes of dark and arcane Doom Metal. An overall desperate and gloomy feeling, mixed to the natural funeral atmospheres of Doom Metal, is what comes out from DVM SPIRO debut album! Classical music and ancient instruments enrich a sound that is unique in their style and that will definitively be a mandatory listening for fans of My Dying Bride, Funeral, early Paradise Lost, Swallow The Sun!
DYING EMBRACE / DUSK - Through Corridors of Dead Centuries

DYING EMBRACE / DUSK - Through Corridors of Dead Centuries

130 Kč
Split CD indiscké a pákistánské kapely. Hutný old school doom metal.
DYSPERIUM - Dysperium

DYSPERIUM - Dysperium

100 Kč
Melancholický přírodou inspirovaný black metal s prvky doom metalu a folku. USA.


130 Kč
Hypnotický psychedelický doom rock metal z Norska. Digipack. The brainchild of Rune "Blasphemer" Eriksen (MAYHEM, AURA NOIR, AVA INFERI, TWILIGHT OF THE GODS) and his partner Carmen Simoes (AVA INFERI, MOONSPELL), EARTH ELECTRIC is an unprecedented and surprising beast in the works of the famous Norwegian guitarist / composer. Eriksen is drawing heavily from classic rock influences including giants like DEEP PURPLE, BLACK SABBATH, and PINK FLOYD. Such roots are rather hinted at than clearly visible and the Nordic track-smith has always made sure to hammer them into an individual shape of his own twisted liking.
ECNEPHIAS - Seven – The Pact Of Debauchery

ECNEPHIAS - Seven – The Pact Of Debauchery

180 Kč
Nové album italské dark metalové kapely. ECNEPHIAS, deans of the extreme Italian Metal scene, have given birth to a new obscure mix of Black, Doom and Gothic Metal and release with “Seven – The Pact Of Debauchery” a new milestone of Dark Metal.
EDEN WEINT IM GRAB - Tragikomödien aus dem Mordarchiv

EDEN WEINT IM GRAB - Tragikomödien aus dem Mordarchiv

150 Kč
Nové album německé gothic black metalové kapely. Digipack. The murder album! A conceptual work about murder and atrocities, in poetic-morbid EwiG-style, embedded in hard riffs and chamber music soundtrack elements. 11 tracks and 3 exclusive CD bonus tracks that are not digital. Comes as Digipak with 16-page booklet.
EDENSHADE - The Lesson Betrayed

EDENSHADE - The Lesson Betrayed

100 Kč
Melodický death metal. Itálie.
EGOIST - Heritage

EGOIST - Heritage

180 Kč
Temný black death metal z Německa.
EIBON LA FURIES - The Immoral Compass

EIBON LA FURIES - The Immoral Compass

180 Kč
Avant-gardní black metal, dark ambient. Velká Británie. Created by Lord Eibon Blackwood around his interests in Victoriana Occult and Infernal Brigantia – The age of a bygone era and those halcyon days of spiritual discovery - Eibon la Furies encapsulates a love for traditional low-fi black metal, classical ambience and the beginnings of photography and film.  
EMANCER - Twilight and Randomness

EMANCER - Twilight and Randomness

100 Kč
Precizní progresivní black metal ve vysoké skandinávské kvalitě. Lahůdka pro příznivce Vreid, Arcturus a podobných smeček. Digipack. Norsko.
EMBERS OF LIFE - Dark Conspiracy

EMBERS OF LIFE - Dark Conspiracy

66 Kč
Symfonický black metal. Rusko.
ENCORION - Facing History and Ourselves

ENCORION - Facing History and Ourselves

100 Kč
Pagan black metal. Holandsko.
ENSEPULCHRED - Suicide in Winter's Moonlight

ENSEPULCHRED - Suicide in Winter's Moonlight

100 Kč
Black metal. USA.
ENSEPULCHRED - The Night Our Rituals Blackened the Stars

ENSEPULCHRED - The Night Our Rituals Blackened the Stars

100 Kč
Black metal. USA.
ENTHRONED DARKNESS - Grim Symphony of the Night

ENTHRONED DARKNESS - Grim Symphony of the Night

150 Kč
Temný přírodou inspirovaný black metal s prvky funeral doom metalu. Itálie.